About Us

A group of bikers who wanted to create a healthy and enjoyable biking outside the closed gym environments, see the nature of Bahrain and discover the details that we don't see when we drive a car.





Archive for 'Introduction & Info'

Hello bikers in Bahrain

Categories: Introduction & Info | May 2nd, 2009 | by Mahmood Aladraj | 2 comments

Even though we’ve been biking for the past two months going around Bahrain and discovering many areas in more details, but last night I thought of creating a website for us to communicate, plan our journeys every week and take some shots of the places we visit and post it all in here…
As we’ve started with low profile, we’ve started with two bikers two months ago, and yesterday we became 4 and hopefully today we will be 5 bikers, we are currently in the process of formalizing it and we are accepting more bikers to join us, whether you are an expert or beginner , you are very welcome. just use your bike or buy new if you don’t have one, and write to us or call us.
If you are part of a bikers group in Bahrain or outside Bahrain and wan’t to join both groups, we have no issue with that… the more people we are, the more fun it gona be..

We will decide on the new location of next week soon. So be ready…

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