Imagine … I saw Folath and Ali A.Hussain, biking …. early morning on Friday biking…happy……with a big smile !!! although I’ve been asking Almakna to bike for the past one month…
So I got frustrated…. angry…espacially, when they’ve gone away after a nice hot meal in a local gahwa in government avenue that I was going to have breakfast in the same day.
… with Mosawi who just one out of his office at 7:00AM in the morning after a Cisco IP Telephony upgrade that we were planning to do since end of 2009 and finally was completed last weekend….
So we agreed to go for a ride on Saturday 25 September 2010, and bring all our friends who were interrested…and they left…
Next day….
every one was ready… in front of a car show room !!!..don’t ask me why !!
But lot’s of energy ….
and commitment….
you know some times you go to the beach and have fun in the water…our bikes also loves that…
Although I have no clue why pampers size 4+ is doing on the bike… but must be for a reason..
anyway after 24 km of biking….. we thought it’s a good idea to have some cold drinks in the way… so we stopped in Costa….
we ensured that we win the match with the Bahrain riders with all their harley bikes !!!! yes… we all got our TREK bikes…
Finally, for your informaiton, we had a wonderful 29.6 kms started @ 5:30AM and completed at 8:00AM…
if you want to join us next Saturday…. we will start from Demistan….